Given the following datasource of reservations, …we want to create a table with column A being the name, and column B being the number of tables. However, sometimes the name is missing for the reservation, and we need to make sure that column A is not misaligned to column B. What formula would we use to do this?

✅  The correct answer is:

@kf:fill_elements(/reservations, ‘name’)


Given the following datasource of reservations, …we want to create a table with column A being the name, and column B being the number of tables. However, sometimes the name is missing for the reservation, and we need to make sure that column A is not misaligned to column B. What formula would we use to do this?


  • @/reservations/name
  • SELECT ( @/reservations/name, @/reservations/name !=BLANK() )
  • IF ( @/reservations/name !=BLANK(), @/reservations/name, BLANK() )
  • @kf:fill_elements(/reservations, ‘name’)